Sunday 7 December 2014


Final Evaluation
Overall I was pleased with my journey throughout this project as now I have variety of different skills such as blocking eyebrows, extreme contouring and creating an Elizabethan look. The project was an eye opener to me as it showed me that when time is invested to practise and be creative the outcome is always better, therefore now I feel more concentrated in the course and will put more work in. Time management was a struggle for me in the beginning as we had to balance practical work and practising in our own time with theory work and blog, however in the end I learnt how to plan my time carefully and do the work that was set on time. I feel proud of myself because at times of stress when I felt like giving up I stuck through it and showed myself that I can do it. Most of all not only I learnt how to create historical looks, twisting them into contemporary I was taught history which made me more passionate about Hair and Make up Design because I was creating looks knowing the background of it. 

Thursday 4 December 2014

The Westmores and Queen Elizabeth

The Westmores and Queen Elizabeth

The Westmores legacy of the greatest make up artists has been known for decades where there was a Westmore brother in every major film, even one about Queen Elizabeth. 

Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex is a drama and romance genre film about Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex and the battle for her desire to marry him or save England.

The Make Up 

Bette Davies who played Queen Elizabeth in the film, underwent a drastic transformation in her appearance with the help of her make up artist Perc Westmore. The film featured an older version of Queen Elizbeth which meant that the youthful features of Betty had to be covered up making her hair, skin, eyebrows etc. similar to Elizabeths. 
As Elizabeth aged due to use of unhealthy products on her hair and skin it caused her major hair loss. The first transformation Bette had to go through was having her hairline shaved back three inches alongside having her eyebrows shaved off completely replacing with a thin drawn on pencil to create Elizabeth like thin eyebrows. Her lips were also thinned out and she was given a white pasty complexion which made her look perfectly Elizabethan. 
Perc Westmore did an amazing job at making Bette look similar to Queen Elizabeth. Although so many features were fakes such as thinning her lips and making her look older and more wrinkly it looks very natural. He was able to not only change Bettes appearance but he was also able to give her the personality of Elizabeth through the power of Make Up.

Reference : 

Photo : Federigo Zuccaro, (1857), The Darnley Portrait [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 04 December 14].

Website :

Book: Frank Westmore and Muriel Davidson (1976). The Westmores of Hollywood. United States Of America: westmore. 122.

Evaluating each other


Make up artist - Me 
Designer - Tazmin

Tazmin clearly researched tudor cosmetics hence why she created a look which had a good contrast between Elizabethan make up to contemporary. Her design had Elizabethan aspects of white base and red cheeks around the face with a splash of contemporary in the middle of her face concentrating on the eyes. Although there is a lot of different things on the face, adding more to the eyes such as gems or even thicker eyebrows would have made this design better because it would not only show contemporary make up it would show creativity and high fashion. 

Tazmin created a step by step with pictures listing down every product which made it much easier but to improve even more as we were practising she could take more direction telling me any improvements that I could make. It was clear that communication is very important because more we practised more she told me where I could improve.  

Make up artist - Tazmin 
Deisgner - Me 

Tazmin did everything I asked her to do which shows that she can follow instructions very well but at the same time she wasn't afraid to take a risk and for example make the eyeshadow darker.  She communicated well with me during which made me feel more comfortable and made the whole process more fun. To improve Tazmin could suggest to me any areas in which she struggled in such as blocking eyebrows, as I could change this making in easier for her. Tazmin could also ask more questions because explaining to her a few times on how I want a certain part done could help her achieve the best results. She was always well organised and on time which shows professionalism. 

Tazmin did everything I asked her to do which shows that she can follow instructions very well but at the same time she wasn't afraid to take a risk and for example make the eyeshadow darker.  She communicated well with me during which made me feel more comfortable and made the whole process more fun. To improve Tazmin could suggest to me any areas in which she struggled in such as blocking eyebrows, as I could change this making in easier for her. Tazmin could also ask more questions because explaining to her a few times on how I want a certain part done could help her achieve the best results. She was always well organised and on time which shows professionalism. 

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Final outcome


Overall I was pleased with the outcome  because it showed that more we practised better the final look was. I always struggled with matching both eyes the same with the eyeshadow and the eyeliner so I was very pleased when they looked rather similar. Also In the practise the middle of her face always looked too pale so we decided to go 2 shades darker which came out as we planned. However I struggled a lot with the white base as it was very hard to blend and clogged onto dry areas of her face and also onto the blemishes which made it even harder to blend. Although the model had cleansed toned and moisturised it was not done properly which taught me the lesson that these three steps are extremely important for an even application of the base. The blusher was also uneven on both sides as it was rushed which taught me that next time even something as simple as blusher needs to be practised to get it perfect. I
was pleased with myself because i applied the white based down the neck and ears evenly but with a contrast to the skin tone. From this assessment I learnt that practise is key and it will always put you one step ahead. I also learnt that communication with the designer is very important as the overall look has to please them which is why asking for feedback on how and what can be improved can make a massive difference. Practising this look taught me the skills of applying eyeliner and eyeshadow evenly and also the key to a perfect base. 

I am pleased with the eyes especially with the eyeshadow as it is symmetrical on both sides which is what I normally struggle with the most. I also like the contrast between the white and the skin tone however i do think it can be blended in more as Sharon told us it is BUFF NOT FLUFF! The lips could be more even and If i could redo this look I would change the shape of the eyebrows and have the arch pointing upwards giving the face more of a lift rather than following its natural shape and pointing down.
Overall I am happy because this was our first assessment and I tried my best, but i am happy mainly because i proved to myself that with practise my skills can improve a lot and I can become a better make up artist with every practise. 

Sunday 30 November 2014

Final Design


For my final design the focus was on the eyes. I started off by blocking the eyebrows then applying a pale base. I wanted dark eyeshadow that was blended upwards and looked messy. The resemblance to Elizabeth in the eyes was blocking out the eyebrows. I also wanted the dark eyeshadow underneath the eye blended outwards. The face is heavily contoured with a tone that is 4-5 shades darker. This is to create a dark and mysterious to show strength which is what I believe Queen Elizabeth showed. The red Lip was iconic for Queen Elizabeth which is why i Chose it, however I wanted a pop of a bright colour since the rest of the face and the eyes had so many dark colours.  The reason why the eyeshadow on the eyes to be dark and pointing upwards is because it is a statement and draws the attention to it which is what Queen Elizabeth did with her iconic make up looks with red lips. 

Products Used  : 

Illamasqua Matte Primer 
Kryolan Ultra Foundation palette 
Dermacolor camouflage mini palette 16
Illamasqua loose powder
Urban Decay Naked Palette 
M.A.C Ruby Woo
Kryolan Glamour Glow
Loreal Million Lashes
Fake Lashes

Brushes :

Real Technique Foundation Brush 
Real Technique Concealer Brush
Mac Blending Brush
Kryolan eyeshadow brush
Kryolan Crease Brush
Kryolan Blending Brush
Real Techniques Blush Brush 


Step 1 -  Using glue and ear buds with warm water block the eyebrows 
Step 2- Add 3-4 layers until there is no texture on the eyebrows 
Step 3- Apply a foundation to the eyebrows then match the rest of the face with it
Step 4- Apply eyeshadow on the eyes 
Step 5 - Contour and apply blusher 
Step 6- Apply loose powder 
Step 7- Mascara and false lashes
Step 8- Lipstick 

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Face Charts, Clean Brushes, YT, M.A.C

                                              Face Charts & Clean Brushes

I use isopropyl alcohol to clean my brushes on most days but I like to condition them every few weeks because it leaves them so soft and smelling great. I use fairy liquid mixed with olive oil and conditioner and it does the perfect job. When my brushes are clean I feel so relaxed and happy.

Supra Colour Palette. I love this palette mainly because these colours can be used for everything, base, lips, eyes and body so it makes it so much easier. Some of the colours are dry so a wet brush or a mixing medium is very useful.
Who knew M.A.C gel liners could be used as lipstick, eyebrow fills and eyeshadows?! I love them. Practising my contemporary Elizabethan look. 

YOUTUBE. i am obsessed i cannot do my make up unless I am watching a make up related video on YT. My favourite at the moment is Eve. (Chanelette) 

Contemporary Elizabethan Make Up Assessment Practise

Contemporary Elizabethan Make Up Assessment Practise

This was my partners face chart and design which I had to recreate. Her idea was to have very pale Elizabethan looking skin on the outside of her face with the red cheeks with a big splash of contemporary in the middle with very dark eyes and  thick eyebrows. She was very good at explaining what she wanted and she gave me a list of all of the products that she wanted me to use. 

Tools & Skincare

Foundation Brush
Eyeshadow Brush
A puff
Blusher Brush
Blending Brush


Ultra foundation white skin base 
Supra colour palette white 
Kryolan Foundation palette 


Naked 2 Palette 
Brow highlight - foxy/tease
Lid- Verve/busted/blackout
Crease- Blackout

Mascarra- Maybeline falsies 
Eyeliner- Black kohl 
Eyebrows- Avon brown shadow 

Set & Contour 

Ilamasqua translusent powder
Ultra foundation /glamour glow Palette
Blusher - Kryolan youth red
Lips- Kryolan youth red

First try 
My set up

For a first time I am pleased with how it came out. I like the matte and powdery look on the outside of her face because it contrasts with the glitter and glow in the middle of her face. I also like the softness of the blusher because even though it is bight it is blended well with her base. However there are a few things that could be improved. First thing I would improve is the white base as it looks patchy and uneven on the chin especially. Also I would make more of a contrast as it shows on her face chart design between the white base and the darker base by adding more colour and blending as i go rather than all in the end. The eyeshadow is also uneven darker on the other side which needs improving and work. And lastly I would make the eyebrows a little darker and feather through it as it seems to have powder in it.