Sunday 7 December 2014


Final Evaluation
Overall I was pleased with my journey throughout this project as now I have variety of different skills such as blocking eyebrows, extreme contouring and creating an Elizabethan look. The project was an eye opener to me as it showed me that when time is invested to practise and be creative the outcome is always better, therefore now I feel more concentrated in the course and will put more work in. Time management was a struggle for me in the beginning as we had to balance practical work and practising in our own time with theory work and blog, however in the end I learnt how to plan my time carefully and do the work that was set on time. I feel proud of myself because at times of stress when I felt like giving up I stuck through it and showed myself that I can do it. Most of all not only I learnt how to create historical looks, twisting them into contemporary I was taught history which made me more passionate about Hair and Make up Design because I was creating looks knowing the background of it. 

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