Wednesday 15 October 2014

Health and Safety

Health and Hygiene

*Be who you would want to be done by*
  • Clean clothes
  • No heels
  • No strong perfume
  • Neat nails
  • Minimal jewellery
  • Hair out of face
  • Wash hands after you set up your make up
  • Wounds and sores covered with a plaster


-Clean brushers before leaving the room
-Clear bags
-Lids always closed
-Label and close lids of anything hazardous
-No out of date products
-Avoid double dipping
-Dont blow on make up brushers
-Get to know products before using them

Skin disorders 

Contra-indication - conditions on a client that will prevent or restrict make up procedures being carried out. 

*always ask  if they are allergic to anything or if they wear contact lenses.*


-Bacterial skin disease - impetigo
-Non-contagious - acne vulgaris, boils
-Contagious viral skin disease - herpes, warts
-Contagious eye disorders - conjuctvitis 
-Insect infestation - lice, scabies

A contra-action is an undesirable reaction that can occur from make up.

Contra- action
-Watery eyes
-Burning sensations

Disorders of pigmentation - port wine skin
-Avoid direct application to lips
-Always sterilise combs and brushes

-individual containers for mascara
-Use ear buds for areas of bacteria


Bacterial infections - styes, acne rosacea, cellulitis, boil, conjuctivitis

Infections - Herpes simplex, verucca

Fungal infections - Tinea capitis

Skin and infestations - Scabies, head lice

  • personal hygiene 
  • behaviour (polite, chatty)
  • verbal communication 
  • listening skills

Label Products
  • hazardous materials locked and labeled
  • clear boxes
  • check electronics are safe and clean
  • hair tools always clean
  • hand mirror cleaned


-cross infection 

Disposable tools 
  • mascarra wands
  • disposable brushes
  • spatulas

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