Friday 17 October 2014

Cleanse Tone Moisturise

First of all before applying any make up we were taught how to cleanse tone then moisturise to nourish the skin helping the make up to sit right on the skin, giving it the best possible effect.

Cleansing ; To cleanse we applied a cleanser to cotton wool and massaged it on to the face in upward strokes. Taking of the mascara was hard but we communicated with our partner asking if we are gentle enough to make sure they are okay and if still difficult to get the eye make up off we can ask the client to take it off. When most of the make up was off we used cotton buds in the areas that the make up may have stuck to such as underneath the eyes and in the hairline.

Toning; With cotton wool again in upward strokes we toned the clients face which showed the parts that the make up had stuck to and removed the rest of it.

Moisturising; We rubbed the moisturiser between our fingers then gently on the clients face and waited till it was dry.

To improve next time i would pay more attention to underneath the eyes as the mascara was not properly removed and when the client blinked it rubbed underneath the eye which i then removed with a cotton bud.

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