Friday 14 November 2014

Coronation Portrait of Queen Elizabeth

Coronation Portrait
This portrait illustrates Queen Elizabeth at an earlier age of 26. One of the main reasons why i chose this as my portrait is because of how simple but yet so powerful it is. Elizabeths strawberry blonde hair and beautiful pale skin became symbolic from an earlier stage hence why as she got older, the use of make up increased to achieve the youthful red cheek and lips. I love this image especially because Elizabeth in it shows purity but also strength equally. Her long hair alongside with the use of pearls which believes to symbolise purity and honesty made her the perfect virgin queen. At the same time this portrait shows Elizabeth as powerful and important by the use of the colour gold which shows wealth and royalty. More so her robe has a lining of ermine showing nobility and faithfulness to her people. 


Contemporary portrait

James Bond, Goldfinger 1964

Goldfinger was the third James Bond film to ever come out and it is about an investigating to gold smuggling, however the reason why I chose this as my contemporary portrait is because of its similarities to my Elizabeth portrait. Although in reality it is the man in the picture who has most power since he is armed, the attention will always be on the girl laying in bed behind him which was similar to Elizabeth; being around so many men and people that doubted her she stayed as a strong leader.  It is clear that the man in the shadow wants to harm the girl however her significance is shown through the man with the gun who is there to protect her, similar to Elizabeth who also had people that protected her which shows that she was loved.
The reason why i am inspired to recreate my make up look by these two portraits is because although they are very simple one with minimal colour and the other with only one colour they show power, strength and wealth through the colour gold.  Elizabeth shows her purity and innocence through her beautiful long her and jewels similar to the girl in the portrait which shows vulnerability since she is laying there unconscious of what the man in the shadow can do to her. However at the same time both women in the portraits show there power through symbols of wealth and power by the use of colour and also the jewels. 

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