Saturday 11 October 2014

Why make up?

Growing up i always wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer and never did i think that i would end up where i am now, studying make up and hair design in a university. There is so much to make up, something simple as applying concealer to hide blemishes can do so much for so many different people making them feel beautiful and confident but that is not all to make up. Why do people assume that make up is a mask women wear to hide their imperfections? There is so much more to it, all of the films, music videos, theatre shows people watch include a great make up artist that has spent hours creating a look for the character that people admire. 
I realised that make up was my passion when I thought performing arts was. Every time i would perform my desire would be to stay behind the scenes getting ready and watching others get ready. It was beautiful watching people transform into a rockstar by just applying glitter and more i performed more i realised that it was the make up that interested me, it was the idea and thought of planning a look for a certain event a character that excited me. So why make up? because make up is art, its magical.

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