Monday 17 November 2014

Contemporary Elizabethan

Contemporary Elizabethan

Learning how to recreate the look of Elizabeth I we were taught the skills of applying an even base,    the perfect eye and blocking out eyebrows which was very useful when we put our own twist to the tudor looks making it more contemporary. 

The features of tudor make up included very thin or no eyebrows, pale face, red cheeks and lips. For the contemporary Elizabethan look I wanted to go with a pale face with no eyebrows but with dark eyes with a lot of eyeshadow and a dark lip.

I started off by blocking the eyebrows then using a white base to pale out the skin. I found the eyebrows tricky since it was my first time doing it however I got given instructions on how to make the glue on the      eyebrows even with ear buds which helped me for the next time. I then used dark eyeshadows all over the lid up to the crease and finished off with a deep red lip.

One of the first thing I would improve are the eyebrows, with a lot of practise on getting them very smooth and leaving them with no texture the blocking of them could look really high fashioned and professional. Also I would make sure to tone and moisturise well and use a primer as the base looked very patchy and made the dry parts of the skin very visible. However for a first time I was happy with the outcome because it gave me many ideas of contemporary looks and motivated me to practise and get better.

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