Tuesday 18 November 2014

Achromatic Look

                                    A C H R O M A T I C  L O O K 

I focused on neutral colours and used mostly cream based products alongside with M.A.C's mineralise skin finish in soft&gentle on her cheekbones and centre of face for a highlight. 
*Model, Vera from Solent Uni*

A N A L O G O U S  L O O K 

For the eyes I used the Sleek snapshots palette with a wet brush with M.A.C teal pigment. Soft&Gentle on the cheekbones and down the nose.

For this look I used colours that were different and clashed but had its similarities in the way it was applied on the eye. The grey, orange and silver were not complimentary however they blended into each other which added similarities. 
     *Model, My best friend Sophie*

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